During this thought provoking session Jason Noble, founder of ikaun and Neil Rosenbaum Director of BusinessDevelopment at Arnold & Porter, will share their thoughts and beliefs on how AI, Predictive Analytics and the discipline of Knowledge Management will combine to create an entirely new breed of technologies and processes that will drive how firm's pursue and pitch new business. Topics will include:

1. The basics of pitch and proposal analytics

2. Collecting new data points for increasing win rates

3. The oncoming technologies you should pay attention to

4. What to do today to get ready

In the session, the panel will share this fresh data, including the workings behind current RFP win rates and quantifying those costs, to providing real business solutions that improve efficiencies by up to 90% and how to deliver the work clients actually want.


  • Jason Noble - Chief of Product Strategy at ikaun
  • Neil Rosenbaum - Director of Business Development at Arnold & Porter LLP